Different Types of Filing
Types of Filing

Group A
- We moved and had the house for sale, some unknown occupants moved in without our consent.
- I want my 22 year old son out the house. He does not pay rent or on the lease or mortgage.
- Wrongful Detainer to seek an eviction when there is no landlord and tenant relationship at all. This means the people involved never signed a lease or made rental payments. Wrongful Detainer is commonly used to evict friends, family, Squatters or other house guests who have no legal right to live in the property.
Group B
- Lease expired
- Tenant has stayed beyond lease and we want them out.
- A landlord may file this case when a tenant’s lease has expired. The landlord must first give the tenant written notice that they want to end the tenancy. The length of the notice depends on the lease and local law in your county.
Group C
- Broke clause in lease
- Lease states No Dogs, and the tenant has a Pitbull.
- If the utilities are tenants responsibility and they won't pay it.
- This case is used when a tenant is being accused of not following the written lease. The landlord must first give the tenant a written notice identifying the lease violation and asking the tenant to leave. The court will only evict a tenant for breach of lease for serious violations of the lease.
Group D
- A landlord may file if a tenant is behind on rent.
- Non Payment of Rent
- We have a Signed or Verbal lease and the tenant owes rent.